Saw your interview on Cambone about two weeks ago. Re-watched tonight...caught more 2nd time thru.

So intense. Thanks man.

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Thanks EB. Your solid sense of values and your sense of humor are a breath of fresh air.

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Glad you're back, EB. You don't need to be a conspiracy nut to know the global matrix debt based fiat system is terminal, on life support, in the end game, and good riddance. The killer this time is the INFLATION monster. Puts the CBs in a doom loop. If they try to battle it, deflationary collapse. (banks/bonds/real estate/stocks). When that pressure gets too intense (breakages) they will pivot, and that gets a hyperinflation collapse. (Trust collapse). Most players think (mistakenly) that the debt ceiling will eventually pass, but that position fails to realize what the control of congress by the Freedom Caucus means. They are Trumpsters, and have already indicated they are ready to play hardball. In any case, it's past the point of no return and simply a matter of when, not if. In God and Gold I Trust https://donjuan.substack.com/p/exponential-vortex-paradigm-shift

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EB Tucker is the equivalent to The Light Earendil.

"May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out."

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Thanks for this E.B., looking forward to reading the next one.

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So 14 months....does this interfere with our Carbon Neutral IPO timeline?

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Always enjoy your interviews; but consider Bix Weir's commentaries at roadtoroota.com a bit more on point, and insightful.

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Over decades of employment, have watched numerous execs and boards, which are charged to lead and make decisions, absolutely refuse to make a decision to fix something that was on the verge of breaking until it broke. Those were businesses. This is our way of life. Seems like the same path.

EB, thanks for coming back. I look forward to learning and observing, to survive and perhaps thrive in this system as it breaks.

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Hi Tucker, over the years I’ve watched on TV YouTube interviews. I’ve always liked your commentary and wanted to read a sample letter before diving in.

I wish you well in this endeavor and I plan to sign up right away, good luck. Randy

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